E-Mail: wprra@yahoo.com
PO BOX 199, White Plains, New York, 10605
Greetings RRA Residents,
The revised comprehensive plan was publicly presented to the Common Council this past month. The second hearing will be on Monday March 4, 2024 at 7:30PM and residents are invited to comment. Signup for “Citizens to be Heard” and to speak during the comments portion of the meeting begins at 6:30pm and the begins at 7pm.
Importantly, the neighborhood associations (and their members) should know that the Draft Plan includes zoning changes for several large properties in White Plains, over 5 and 10 acres. The changes suggest alterations to existing zoning, subdivision, and environmental regulations, in the R1-30 zoning district for lots over 10 acres, which would allow the clustering of houses. This would have a huge impact to R1-30 zoning districts. This would likely include the Tiburzi Builders, the abandoned bank property (potentially the Chase Bank and surrounding Saxon Woods neighborhood) and the old Windward property at 13 Windward Ave.
The sections are in “LiveWP” and are paraphrased below.
LiveWP 13.
-Amend subdivision regulations to permit appropriate clustering techniques for large properties in single family and multi-family zoning districts.
-Revise existing zoning, subdivision and environmental regulations to allow the clustering of houses on all lots over 10 acres in the R1-30 zoning district to facilitate the preservation of environmental and open space features on such development sites and to help to ensure that the City’s environmental and development goals are met.
LiveWP 14.
-Evaluate amending current zoning regulations for conservation developments to permit attached housing units on parcels greater than five acres.
If you have any questions, please direct them to the Planning Department at 914-422-1300 or email your questions to OneWP@whiteplainsny.gov. This will also be discussed at the Council of Neighborhoods Associations (CNA) meeting in throughout the months of February or March before the Common Council votes on the zoning changes.
In addition, you can voice your comments at Citizens To Be Heard or by sending letters to the Common Council, Mayor and Planning Commissioner. We are hoping that residents who have expertise in zoning laws or are concerned about the zoning changes, will be present at the meeting on 3/4/24. Our voices is important and our city leadership needs to hear from everyone.