WEB: http://WWW.WPRRA.ORG E-Mail: PO BOX 199, White Plains, New York, 10605
Greetings RRA Residents,This is a reminder that the RRA will be hosting our 1st Annual Trunk or Treat in the parking lot of the old Windward School (13 Windward Ave) on October 30th, 2021 from 4-5 pm. Based on your input from earlier this year, a Halloween event was of great interest to many RRA members. We need members to participate if we are going to make this an annual tradition. The Trunk or Treat will be a fun event with entertainment, water, and soda provided by the RRA. Please use the below link to sign up for this year’s Trunk or Treat Event and make sure that you bring lots of candy for the “kids.” Please email us at if you have any questions. Cars can start arriving and setting up after 330pm.1st Annual RRA Trunk or Treat LinkDues pay for fun events like Septemberfest and the Trunk or Treat. Please consider joining our membership at |