Greetings RRA Neighbors,
Below is the agenda for our Annual Board Meeting on Wednesday 5/11/22 @7:30pm and our annual letter to the RRA. You should be receiving a copy of the information in the mail by the first week in April. This year our meeting will be held via Zoom. We have a robust agenda that will deal with several issues that are important to the RRA. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at or blog with us on our website http://WWW.WPRRA.ORG.
Annual Spring Membership Meeting Via Zoom
Passcode: 363506
Meeting ID: 994 6957 8079
Dial by your location:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
7:30-7:35pm– Welcome from the President Mike Sanchez and review of the agenda
7:35pm -8:45 pm -Special Guest Speakers Mayor Thomas Roach, Planning Commissioner Chris Gomez, and BFJ Representative
- Updates on the Comprehensive Plan, Corporate Park development, and other known development plans in or adjacent to the RRA.
- Review of January minutes and discussion.
- Treasurer Nicoy Spence will report the association’s current financial balance sheet. Nicoy will also report on the five-year trend on membership fees and the cost of the 2021 Septemberfest.
- Volunteers for new Vice President (VP)
- Discussion and vote to approve Septemberfest budget for “Septemberfest 2022”
- Request for volunteers for RRA 4th Annual “Septemberfest 2022” scheduled on September 24th, 2022 and other committees as required (Trunk-or-Treat and any other suggested RRA activities)
Our mission is to be the voice of the community, to ensure the safety and character of the RRA, and to promote the general welfare of Rosedale/White Plains residents.
The RRA has a new and improved website that is updated regularly. A history of all eblast information can be found in the “Blog” section on the webpage and will help us to better document RRA/WP related information and allow for community feedback. Please go to the Rosedale Residential Association website (http://WWW.WPRRA.ORG) to register your e-mail address via the “Newsletter Sign-up” Link.
We are looking forward to hosting SEPTEMBERFEST again this year. Dues can be paid via PayPal, Venmo, or through the mail. The PayPal link can be found on t
he RRA website by clicking on the “Membership” button. To pay via Venmo, please use the below information or the QR Code to the right:
Venmo: @Rosedale-Association
To pay via mail: see bottom of this letter
***Your annual dues provide you with many benefits, some of which include:
*Annual Septemberfest BBQ
*New events for children and adults (Halloween (Trunk-or-Treat), Adult Mixers, etc).
*Annual support and participation in the White Plains Council of Neighborhood Associations.
*Web site (ongoing presence and central communications)
*E-mail list (quick notification and news concerning the RRA and the south end of WP, The City of White Plains, or Emergency/Health/Quality of Life Issues)
*Annual Membership meeting mailer to 750+ homes (association business and speakers)
*Postcard mailers to 750+ homes (reminders of the quarterly meetings, updates, and activities)
*Monitoring Local City and County News