PO BOX 199, White Plains, New York, 10605

Greetings RRA Neighbors,

There is going to be a special White Plains Council of Neighborhood Associations (WPCNA) meeting on Wednesday (6/16/21) at 7pm to discuss how Rosedale and the other neighborhood associations will be a part of the Comprehensive Planning process.  The guests will be Common Council Members Nadine Hunt-Robinson, John Martin, and Vicki Presser. Common Council candidate and Planning Board Member Richard Payne will also be a guest.  Questions can be asked by attendees if time permits.  Use the below link to attend the meeting.

Special WPCNA Meeting Link


Subject:         Future of City and Comprehensive Plan
Date:              6/16/21
Time:              7:00pm
Duration:       2 hours

White Plains neighborhood associations’ concerns and questions regarding a new comprehensive plan:

  1. Has the planning process begun? If not, when will the planning process start?

  2. If the process already started, why has the city not asked for input from the various stakeholders throughout the city, to include the neighborhood associations?

  3. Please provide us with a timeline of the process.  How long do you anticipate the plan will take?

  4. Based on the aforementioned timeline, the neighborhood associations and other stakeholders are requesting to participate throughout the entire Comprehensive Planning process and be updated regularly. (work groups and updates)

  5. What is the mechanism that the city will have in place for individual residents to join a committee and participate in the planning process?

  6. How will you engage the larger WP community?

  7. How much will the creation and annual maintenance of a Comprehensive Plan cost? Do you have a budget for it?  Are you pursuing grants or other avenues for funding the Comprehensive Plan?

  8. Will there be an outside consultant to develop and oversee the plan?

  9. Is there going to be a Community Benefits Agreement between the developers, the city, and the effected neighborhoods?

  10. We would like a public commitment from the Mayor and Common Council that the neighborhoods will be a part of the process from the beginning and on a regular basis.

Follow up Discussion:

  • Neighborhood Associations to speak about their visions

  • Where to go from here?: New Comprehensive Plan

-Timeline for overall Comprehensive Plan

-Next steps to incorporate the NA’s in the planning process

-How often can NA’s meet with City Planners?

  • State of current development- what’s going on and what’s on the way?

  • Impact of city services and quality of life from current development?

  • Effect on taxes?

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