Greetings RRA Neighbors,
On Wednesday December 3rd, members of the RRA and the North St. Associations (NSA) met with Mayor Roach and some of his commissioners. Some of the issue discussed included the status of Ladder 34, the conditions of our local roads, and improving communication concerning development in or adjacent to the RRA.
As a result of your emails to the Mayor and Common Council, as well as the collective pressure applied by the other south end communities, the Mayor and Safety Commissioner have ensured that Ladder 34 will be in full service moving forward. This is great news and a victory when it comes to the safety of community. Getting Ladder 34 put into full service demonstrates that when we work together and consistently voice our concerns, we as an association can impact city policy and decisions.
In terms of the road conditions, the city is not repairing anymore roads this winter, but will continue road repairs in April and May. We need to create a consolidated list of road repairs for Commissioner Hope by the end of the year to get on the repair list for the spring. Please email us at if you feel that your road needs to be repaired this spring. Please provide specific details about the damage location and condition so that we can create the consolidated list. Most of Mamaroneck Avenue is a county road is not controlled or repaired by the city. Specific road repair questions must go to the Department of Public Works.
Commissioner Rick Hope (914-422-1206)
We also expressed our concerns related to ongoing and future development in or adjacent to the RRA. The concerns revolve around the future sale and development of the Windward School property at 13 Windward Ave, the very large solar array project at 1133 Westchester Ave, as well as any future zoning changes or development that might occur at 1311 Mamaroneck Avenue. The sale of the FASNY property to developers will likely provide some insight as to what will happen to the Windward property when it sells.
Thank you to RRA board members Nicoy Spence, Sara Bergman, and Charles Lederman, as well as residents Shawn Woodford and Steven Wilson for helping us advocate for the RRA at the meeting. It is residents like you who help us maintain the safety and character of our beautiful neighborhood.